Perisistant nightmares *TW*

*possible trigger warming*

Hey y’all! , I’m 21 and I’ve been debating speaking to my doctor about my night mares but I’m at the point where I think I may need to. A few years ago I would have a rape nightmare or something every month, now it has progressed to an almost daily thing. It’s always stalking,rape,abuse, insestual abuse, or assault . They are long and graphic dreams (I’m someone who can always remember dreams), so they are shocking and hard to shake in the morning. And I’ve always been someone who just gets bad sleep (frequently waking) and the nightmares arnt helping and often carry over. I’ve had a “mild” incident of harassment/adult, not sure how to categorize it, from an old ex. But my current life is very happy, I have. Great boyfriend I work, I go to school (so I’m a little stressed) and I have animals I love. Any advice would be welcome, I always hoped they would go away on their own but these horrific and graphic nightmares are becoming too much