Help me!?

Casey • March 2019 👦🏻 August 2021 👼🏻 July 2022 👶🏻

I had a chemical last cycle. Went to the dr August 31 and they said the HCG was low enough to be considered negative. Bleeding stopped the 6th and I took a .88 test the 9th to make sure it was truly negative (it was- to my eyes anyway).

Fast forward to the evening of the 18th I wiped and there was a very light tinge pink— I figured it was ovulation spotting since I got a peak OPK that afternoon. The past couple days I’ve had sore boobs/nipples (lightning shooting) but otherwise nothing. My temps haven’t had a sustained rise. I decided to take another .88 and FRER to make sure I truly was at 0 and I’m guessing these are indents. I’ll post the others and my chart the comments.

Anyone else get indents on 2 types of tests? Are there any tests that don’t have them?