Scared or dumping me?


Has anyone ever experienced their partner 'freak out' around the ages of 23 to 24 or so and suddenly be terrified of commitment?

Background here:

So me and my partner have been together for 2 years. We've been happy, the perfect couple. We never fought, we never got angry with each other. We loved each other. He told me on multiple occasions that he wants to marry me and wants me to be the mother of our children. I was happy and eagerly agreed, but never pushed the issue. Of course i wanted it too, but i wanted us to be ready. We currently live together and everything has been good. Until a few weeks ago, one of his exs from high-school died. She just passed in her sleep. And he freaked out because she worked 7 days a week like him and he was terrified of not getting to live. So i suggested he take a break from work and slow down. We'd take a trip, maybe just a weekend away. He then went and got a 3rd job. He was always tired so i let him sleep, i didn't pressure him. I just loved him through it.

Well fast forward to now.. my birthday was on the 17th. He was working so we didn't do anything, on the 18th, he took me to my favorite restaurant and dumped me. He suggested a 'break' because he said we're young and we live together and he wants to be alone and live and do what he wants when he wants without anyone having to worry about it. He wants to be reckless.

I was in absolute shock. I never pressured him to marry me or have kids because i thought it was something we both wanted. He told me not to wait for him because he didn't want to be a scumbag about it and have me wait for him if he wasnt sure that he was in it 100%. He says his emotions are turned off and that im a wonderful woman and he knows he should love me, but he doesn't feel anything. He says he fell out of love with me. I begged him to tell me if this was a break or were we through completely. He said he didn't know and he got angry when i pressed it more and then said it was permanent. I packed some of his clothes and took them to his job, he's staying in his moms house now. I later apologized and told him i was sorry for pressuring him about giving me an answer if he didn't know and i asked him to take the time he needs and to let me know what his decision is. He said "i will, thank you". And hasnt messaged me since.

Im devastated. Im heartbroken. Some of my friends said their partners did the same thing around that age and they came back. I just want him back home. I've never seen him act this way before and im desperate for answers. I dont know what to do. Has this happened to you before? What happened and did they come back? How did you handle it? Can anyone please help me? Heres a picture of us