First time momma!


Found out 2 weeks ago I am pregnant! (Yay!!) I am unsure as to how far along I am since I have PCOS and haven’t had my period since May (it’s now September). I had a negative test on August 17 prior to a minor procedure and then started to experience symptoms the week of august 29. I assumed it was pre period symptoms, but didn’t go away. I had a positive test on September 11. Went for my first OB appointment Sept 14 where they drew my Beta HCG and progesterone levels. (139 and 11.88). I went for repeat September 17 (458.99 and 12.58). My “dating” ultrasound is scheduled for October 5, as the doctor seems to think I will be far enough along by then.

Does any other soon-to-be-momma assume every pain/twinge/symptom-free day/ache is an omen for miscarriage? This is my first pregnancy and the unknown/ lack of definitive proof has me a little freaked out! Any tips ?

Thank you alll!