Still waiting for Epilepsy panel

Kira • 💙 11-02-18 💜🌈 👼 12-5-2019 Lucas Tyler🌈🦖 02-18-2021 Charlotte Rose 🌹

It’s been almost a month since we had blood drawn for the epilepsy panel and now I’m starting to worry. I need to call the neurologist in the morning anyways because baby girl has had 5 seizures in the last 4 days 😭😭 we were almost a month seizure free and of course my husband has a huge family and I got suckered into going to a 5 year olds birthday party with TONS OF FAMILY. No one respected my please don’t touch her or over stimulate her rules. I even went outside multiple times to calm her down and a few people still followed me to try to hold her. I told them that I can’t stay for family events long anymore if this is going to cause seizures and they just got upset at me saying well we never see them anymore and don’t understand that this is why. I just wish we had made it a month free of them 😭😭😭😭. Thank you for always being an amazing support system this group has helped me so much ❤️