First Time TTC


So my partner and I are TTC for the first time this month. We inseminated in the wee hours of the morning on Monday 9/20 and we got our peak yesterday 9/21.

Inseminating that first night was a lot. We went the known donor route and the guy was inconsistent and inconsiderate of our time. He de-prioritized our desire to conceive and although we understand he had no vested interest other than “he really wanted to help people,” we still expected him to show up for commitments he made.

Our quickly growing dislike/distrust of him made it difficult for us to continue. We’ve decided not to go back to him for insemination.

I still have hopes for pregnancy from this although I know the chances are a lot less likely.

I guess I’m just wanting to vent/converse with someone about the feels and possibilities.

Also I’ve been noticing a lot more cramping this time around. Anyone else experience that after insemination?