Bleeding at 14 weeks and 2 days


Hi mamas! I am currently 14 weeks 2 days pregnant! I have had some bleeding on and off since about 6 weeks pregnant. I have gone to the emergency room/ gone to my doctor every time it has happened to check up on things (because it’s often a big gush of blood out of nowhere when it happens). Baby has had a strong heartbeat and looked healthy every time. Doctor checked for a subchloronic hemorrhage and that has been ruled out. I have done so many tests since then and everything comes back normal so my doctors only option has been to put me on pelvic rest. I have been on pelvic rest since about 6 weeks of pregnancy and obviously this is not the answer since it still happening weekly. I have had a miscarriage in the past (that pregnancy is what is considering me a high risk this time around) and seeing the blood is very triggering for me even though my doctor says not to worry. We have determined that the bleeding is coming from my cervix and not from around the baby which is good, but there still has to be a reason for this happening! Any other mamas experience this?? Should I get a second opinion? I’m so frustrated because I feel like my doctor isn’t taking my anxiety around this situation seriously and that is obviously not good for the baby either.