DMER anyone?

So I just gave birth two weeks ago and I’m mostly breast-feeding with a little bit of formula that the doctor recommended for weight gain. Anyways, breast-feeding has gone fine in terms of her latch and getting the hang of it. But a few days into her life I realized every time I breast-fed I would get really depressed and feel hopeless about my life for literally no reason & for just a few seconds. Otherwise, I’m really happy and LOVING having a newborn. My husband has been so helpful, financially we’re OK, our baby is extremely cute and calm, so I don’t know why I feel so depressed ONLY when I breast-feed. I looked it up and turns out there’s something called DMER where a small percent of women report exactly what I’m experiencing. I’m glad I’m not alone in this, and I’m glad there’s not something wrong with me, but I hate that I have this because I don’t know how much longer I can breastfeed & I really love the bond it’s created with me and my baby :( anyone else have a similar experience breastfeeding?