Exclusively Pumping

Divine Kween • 👼🏽 🌈👦🏽 👦🏽34 year old wife married 6 years. Black Business owner, Full time State Employee while obtaining a degree. 😘💛🌻

I’ve been exclusively pumping since my son was about a week old because his latch wasn’t good. I normally pump every 2 hours and put out normally 50+ ounces a day. I have a freezer stash of 2200 ounces and I’m adding to it weekly. I’m tired of being attached to my breast pump for 30 minutes each time I pump. I’m starting to get at my wits end with pumping and don’t know how much longer I will pump and freeze. Is anyone else feeling like me?!?! With my first i breastfed him for 18 months and with this I’m COMPLETELY over it! Please help!

Update: So I ended up having a severe food allergic reaction and had to get 2 rounds of steroid injections and antihistamines around the clock as I still have a rash. Per the doctor I have to pump and dump for the next 5 days and will need to use my stash around the clock. It hurt to have to pour the milk down the drain 🥺Thank you ladies for help!