Baby girl is here


Avery Madison

She made her appearance at 5:48am 9/22/21! We came in around 5pm to be induced the 21st. After three doses of the medication to be induced the third dose finally got things going at 3 am where we went from 3cm to 6.5 in an hour. Ordered the epidural and within the 25 minutes it took for them to get it to me I was already at 9cm. Got my epidural and barely had time for it to kick in. Dr broke my water and I pushed 3times and her heart rate was going down fast so we didn’t have time to wait for next contraction they had me push even though I was not having a contraction and within the next two pushes she was here! I got a second degree tear but feeling pretty great over all for just having a baby!! 6lb 2oz 18.25 in long and perfect!!