OPK Help after IUD Removal

Maria • 25. Mama to Emmett. Expecting baby #2 September 2022?

Hey ladies!

I apologize in advance for my ignorance on my the matter. My first son was a surprise and I have never temped or tracked ovulation before. I had my IUD removed four days ago to begin trying for baby #2.

I heard you have a possibility of ovulating very soon after removal, and since the IUD stoped my menstruation I'm unsure of where I am in my cycle.

I started <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> 3 days ago to try to get an idea of where I am. These are my last three tests. The first test I took was darker than yesterday's and today's (even before it dried).

Could. I have already ovulated? My BBT has been 98.39, 98.34, and 98.79 this morning.

Thank you for any insight!!