HELP !My 5 month preemie won’t eat as much


Help! I had a preemie at 33 weeks 5 days who was weighing 3 lbs 3 oz. His due date was really June 18th but was born May 5th. I’m at my wits end in stress levels as a new mom. He was in the 1 percentile but then dropped into less then 1 percentile and now has completely fallen off the scale! He has horrible acid reflux and in the beginning of his birth for the first 2 and a half months all he did was projectile vomit out his nose and mouth. Like huge bottles worth with my pumped breast milk. Turns out he had a milk intolerance and he’s been on Similac alimentum now for the rest of the time he just turned 5 months old. He’s now 10 lbs and has gained weight fine and is as happy as can be!! The pediatrician says he needs to be eating 25-30 oz a day. And I can not for the life of me get him to eat that unless it’s completely forced which usually ends up in him vomiting it all back up which I’ve explained to the pediatrician! Now he’s at the point He screams when ever I try to feed him and will only eat now if he’s asleep!!!!! I’ve cried everyday now and don’t know what Bc to do to get him to eat. He will go 5-6 hours without eating then only drink 3-3-1/2 oz . The ped says he needs to drink 4-5 oz every 3 hours but he’s all over the place sometimes he eats 2.5- 5.5? What do I do? Has anyone been in a similar situation with their babies just being smaller ? My sons super happy and is healthy and hitting all his milestones he’s just smaller and won’t eat as much and it hurts me to force him Bc he pukes but I’m scared because he also is not on his curve anymore. 😭 How much is your preemies drinking ?