SASHA • Mom of 2 boys! 💙👶🏽 KAYDEN & KARTER 👶🏽💙 9/21 & 1/19

Hello to everyone… I’m just here to tell you a little bit about my story. I have a 3 yr old son and a 8 month old son. When I had my first child my experience was a nightmare so bad I ended up with PTSD and PPD. I had a c section and it got infected so they had to reopen the cut to clean it out. We’ll now they were going to open my cut again but this time leave it open and attach me to a wound vac machine. Well because of my experience I didn’t want any more kids at all with fear of going through the same thing again or worse… but then came my second baby and honestly I was going back and fourth about terminating the pregnancy. I decided to keep my son (best decision ever) he was also a c section and honestly it went a lot smoother than with my first. I am forever grateful for my boys! They are amazing and I’m blessed to have healthy, happy kids. I’m also happy they have each other to grow up with…. Every story is different not every child is the same either. One thing is the same the love I have for my children. God bless every momma out there expecting and those who are struggling with any type of mental health issues. 🖤