Tandem Nursing Twins in Nicu

Annelise • Mom of 5

Finally got tandem nursing down after 2 weeks in the nicu. This Friday will be 3 weeks in nicu. Hoping my boys will be coming home soon. They’ve had no apnea spells in since they were 2 days old. Been off oxygen since 24 hours old. Only under lights for one day during their first week. We’ve been working on breastfeeding and bottle feeding for the last week now. They are doing fantastic but the nurse tonight kindly told me not to get my hopes up in them coming home Friday when they turn 3 weeks old. I honestly just wanted to cry. How can they being doing so good with no issues but not come home? They take 80% of their feedings orally. But anyways I just wanted to share these pics I took tonight of successfully tandem feeding.