Extremely Faint Line, or am I seeing things?


So I have a longer cycle, anywhere from 38-41 days. We have been TTC for a few months now. Today I’m 12 dpo and supposed to get my period Friday 10/8. I started testing way to soon because I’m impulsive and impatient. I tested negative 3 times using First Response (tested way too soon & probably too soon for me now) So this morning I used a store brand one not expecting anything of course. At first I was like oh it’s negative go figure. But then looked at it again and saw a very very faint line. Then I thought its probably just the test strip. So then I of course dipped my second test in water to see if I can see the line on that one because why not right? Can someone please tell me if I’m losing it and my mind is playing tricks on me? Top is my first pee of the morning, bottom is just water.

Also, I started having a light pink creamy discharge yesterday. Sorry if that’s TMI, but I normally don’t spot before my period.