Sinus Infection 38w2d

Katie • Mama of two littles and a French bulldog 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🐶❤️

So my husband came down with a cold two weeks ago (tested negative multiple times for covid, flu and strep) and passed it to my 2 year old and I. We both were sick last week (also tested negative for all the same, just in case) and then started to feel better. I then got progressively worse again and now have a full blown sinus infection! My doctor said today I could take Flonase as well as a saline rinse. He is prescribing an antibiotic before the weekend for me to have just in case a fever develops, but told me not to take it unless there is fever. He believes it is viral, but wants me to have the antibiotic just in case!

Any other natural remedies or any other mamas been through this? I’ve been having a feeling my baby will arrive later than her due date, and now I’m hoping that instinct is right! Gotta kick this first!