Hormone help!

Wondering if anyone’s ever had issues with their hormone production after having a baby?

I don’t mean like postpartum hormones, I mean your body started producing too much or not enough?

It’s been almost a year since baby was born and I’ve been experiencing some weird symptoms and after talking to my doctor, she said it’s not postpartum related and wants me to get my hormone levels tested.

She thinks pregnancy caused my body to start overproducing estrogen and not producing enough progesterone and testosterone. Or that my thyroid is off. She said it can happen sometimes when you get pregnant later in life (31 is old apparently! Lol)

My blood test is on Thursday so we’ll get a better idea then. But I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else?

My symptoms are:

Very short cycles (21-24 days) and I ovulate almost immediately after my period.

Hot flashes and night sweats.

Mood swings and irritable.

Brittle, dry hair.

No sex drive.

Fatigue during the day but can’t sleep at night.