Feeling incredibly emotional

Im currently 34 weeks pregnant and have been feeling overwhelmingly emotional over the past few weeks.

I feel overwhelmed with my two children and I don’t have any family or friends I can rely on at the moment.

I cant sleep because I’m so upset about my marriage and how different or lacking I have become as a parent.

Its hard for me to talk about anything because I cant tell if my emotions are justified or if i am overreacting due to pregnancy hormones.

I constantly feel under appreciated as a SAHM having lost my identity and feeling like i have no independence outside of being a parent.

We are moving countries soon and that has also been adding to my stress.

I love my family

But I feel like I’m starting to hate myself.

Im just wondering if anyone knows/ has any similar experiences and can shed some light for me.

I understand that maybe my emotions are effected by my pregnancy hormones, but its still hard to deal with and I feel like I’m breaking apart every day.