Baby Aubree


Just wanted to share my birth story. I am so grateful that both my births have gone smoothly and mostly quickly. Earlier that day I noticed that I had a pain in my upper left thigh, much like I did with my first the day I went into labor. However, I brushed it off as just another pregnancy pain. That evening after getting the toddler down for bed about 9 pm I noticed baby was very active. Almost Strangely active. I had read that many babies are less active right before labor so definitely decided it was not happening that night. However at about 11 pm I started feeling contractions. I got up and told my husband I was going to start packing some things. He got out of bed and started timing the contractions. At this point they were close together but were not lasting long. I labored for about an hour at home. At this point I decide that I wanted to go to the hospital to be checked. With a sleeping toddler, I went to the hospital on my own. I was afraid they were doing to send me home and didn’t want to wake our child care for no reason. I got to the hospital at 1 am and they got me checked in and I was only at 2 cm. So they kept me for an hour and would recheck then. At this point contractions were getting stronger and more painful. When the nurse came back to check I had progressed to 3 cm. She said she would talk with the doctor and decide if they were going to admit me, which they did. Which was a good thing because 20 minutes later my water broke. She said they would call to get the epidural right away. Which I was sos grateful for. Within 15 minutes he arrived to give me the epidural. At this point I call my husband to come. I labored for another 2-3 hours. Right before 7 I mentioned I was in a bit of pain and got some additional numbing. At this point they checked again and I was ready to push. The doctor came in and I pushed for 55 seconds and baby was here.

Our second daughter Aubree Kai came at 38 +2 weeks.6 lbs 12 oz and 18 inches long.