Should I go to my graduation?

My graduation ceremony is coming up but I don’t want to go because:

- I never fit in with the people I studied with, I was an outcast and there’s not there who will be excited to see me (i’m afraid no one will applaud when I get on the stage even)

- I haven’t used my degree for anything and I feel like it was a waste of money

- Only one member of my family can come and I had to buy them their ticket and clothing to even convince them to come… not from their own initiative

On the other hand I did achieve a 4.0 gpa and I will have a honourable mention but other than that, it’s a sad celebration for me, a reminder that I did it all on my own without friends, family support, and it’s not a part of my life that I’d go back to 🤷🏻‍♀️

What do yall think?