How did your contractions feel?


How were your contractions when you decided it was time and got admitted? I’m 39+5 and for an hour and half I’ve had semi painful contractions that are anywhere from 5-8 minutes awaited. They started off around 7-8 and got closer. Didn’t get necessarily stronger but still painful and more than just uncomfortable. I’m still able to talk through them but they definitely make me catch my breath. I have a dr appointment at 2 and called my doctor to get their opinion and all they tell me is “it’s rare for a ftm to have their baby before 40 weeks and it’s probably nothing if you’re still able to talk through them”. She told me to rest which I’ve been sitting all morning because I’m in a training for work, I’ve been drinking a ton of water and getting hot flashes all morning. The contractions have been in my lower abdomen and my lower back with constant pain in my back and my whole stomach gets tight and it feels like I need to go #2. I’m so frustrated and flustered and don’t love my doctors right now

Update: only 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced and contractions slowed down so they sent me home