Changing bedtime??


My son(4 months next week) goes to bed between 9-9:15 every night for the last 2 months(first 8 weeks he went to bed at 10 but when i put him down early one night his 2 feedings turned into 1). Everywhere I read it says they should be getting 10-11 hrs of sleep at night. Most of the time he only gets 8-9 hrs. Should I move his bed time up??? I don’t want it to mess anything up but what if it ends up helping his sleep. He wakes up between 7-8am every morning and has one night feed between 3-5am. I’m not the kind of person that wants to get up before 7 unless I gotta work 😂 so if you mamas think I should keep it like it is by all means I will!! Just a first time mom and trying to make sure my lil guy gets the best sleep as possible ❤️ any tips are welcomed