Tired Mama


So I guess my kid is going through a sleep regression because these last few weeks have been absolute hell! I am so tired I feel like I’m losing it. She just turned 8 months today on the 11th.

At night time all I can do is cry 😢

She used to sleep so well and a few weeks ago that all went out the window. It now takes about 3 to 5 tries to get her down to sleep when I put her down at 8. & then she’s usually up by midnight for about 30 minutes. Then up again around 2:30-3 AM and literally just won’t go back to sleep until 5-6 AM. Then her wake up time is 7:30-8. She is teething but that process honestly hasn’t been bad. She’s good during the day with Tylenol and I give it to her before bed. & the middle of the night when she wakes up now. But I’m literally a zombie. I am so tired and no one helps me. I’m a stay at home mom and I take care of her all day and I’m up al night. I just feel like I can’t give 100% during the day when I’m so damn tired. Also , she naps during the day but only for like 20-30 minutes then she’s up again.

Are there any tips? Tricks? Should I try to sleep train again? Please send help. 😩😩😫😫