Warning signs of anything serious?


Hi! So I’m about 4 days postpartum and I don’t know if it’s from lack of sleep or cause I’ve been crying every night since we’ve come home, but I just want to make sure none of what I’m feeling is too serious. I’ve been feeling like I have to breathe deeper breaths cause my chest feels tight, but I don’t know if it could just be my boobs are big and sore (but when I breathe in deep I kind of make a little wheeze sound), my shins hurt like I have shin splints but I’m not bad swollen (at least I don’t think, but when I press down on my legs I get dents), I have been getting a little dizzy today but I also haven’t been getting much sleep. And tonight my whole body feels hot to the touch, but I took my temperature and it was 97.9 buuut I was also crying really badly and my face doesn’t feel hot to the touch just like my boobs, neck, and stomach. I kind of feel like I just have a cold coming on if that describes the feeling a bit better, but again I was crying really hard tonight so I know some of these things I’m feeling is from that and just me not getting much sleep. So does any of this seem super serious like should I go to the ER or it’s just my hormones being crazy?