39 Weeks & Need Help


My doctor said “you’re not going past your due date. This baby is going to be too big.”

That was at 36 weeks

Here we are 3 weeks later and now I’m being told that even though he’s measuring 9lbs already I might have to go a week after my due date because I’m healthy aside from my weight. They keep telling me “hopefully you pop this week/weekend” the last two weeks. I’m still super pregnant with no labor in sight.

38 week apt I wasn’t even dilated. I’ve tried raspberry tea, exercise, the big O, spicy food, pineapple, a bath, etc. no luck.

What else can I do that is safe?? The nurses at my high risk ultrasound today said they think the doctor should induce me earlier or else I might need a c-section. They were all concerned but the doctor said “you don’t have diabetes or anything so you have to wait”

I’m miserable and I’m also terrified because I wanted to go natural and (wishful thinking) unmedicated. Baby doesn’t even feel low but they said he’s in position and ready. Idk. Just ready for this to be over. I love my belly and my pregnancy was super easy, but my feet are so swollen I can’t wear anything but flip flops and rolling over at night is a project and a half. There’s other stuff going on in my life that isn’t helping either. I just need something to go right.