Intrusive thoughts?

My baby is 7 weeks old and the past month I’ve been having more and more intrusive thoughts. I noticed it happens more the more tired I am. Most of the time its when I first wake up and he’s crying I’ll immediately think about hurting myself. Very occasionally I think about hurting him. I never in my life would hurt him. I wanted him for 5 years before I got pregnant with him and it hurts my heart that I even have a single thought of anything but love for him. How do I stop thinking these thoughts? Is something wrong with me that I need to get serious help? I feel insane. After I have the thoughts they usually scare me so I think myself through why I would even think it but the thoughts of hurting myself are so intense that sometimes for the first 5+ minutes of waking up, all I can think about is how I would hurt myself and I can’t get myself to stop thinking about it until I can get fully awake and it scares me. I’m about to go back to work so I feel like it’ll get even worse because I’ll be even more tired. I’ve tried mentioning to my husband that I’ve been having intrusive thoughts and stress. He talked to me about my stress and helped me to feel better about it but kept brushing over the intrusive thoughts.