Baby is sick 😥



My 8th month old has had an on and off low grade fever, the heights being of 100.4, has a bit of a cough,

Is congested and she’s also teething. We have alternated Tylenol, children’s Motrin, I also have the humidifier going. Is there anything else I could do to make her feel better?

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Lukewarm bath, even room temp bottle, if teething dip a wash cloth with ice cube in it in water (just the one part not whole thing) the freeze and the give as teether!


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Are you using orajel? Teething rings, ice cold food. Talk to pediatrician to rule out anything besides teething. My 8 1/2 month old had her first tooth break through this past week or so and it’s been rough. Good luck


Ch • Oct 20, 2021
My first too. It comes in waves. Lots of cuddles and Tylenol and orajel when necessary


Kayla • Oct 19, 2021
My son how is also 8.5 months has had two teeth for a while. But this last week or so he popped two more and is currently trying to break through 4 more. Teething is rough. It’ll seem like they are sick. I give Tylenol when babes unbearable. I use orajel. And he just chews on everything. His poop hasn’t been a blow out but the smell has completely changed. Also take a baby rag and freeze it. It’s softer and will be more gentle on the gums.


Jo • Oct 17, 2021
Yes we have orajel. I will call her doctor on Monday. How did it go for you? It’s my firs baby so I’m not sure what to expect.


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Nasal flush is what doctor usually recommend for congestion. Why are you alternating motrin and Tylenol ?


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Maybe try Vicks on feet. Did that with my lil one. He was sick a few weeks ago with a runny nose and beginnings of croup. He was also teething. His doctor said Tylenol, vicks and humidifier. 😊 And lots of mommy snuggles at night. Letting him sleep on my chest upright helped with congestion. 🥰


Jo • Oct 17, 2021
Thanks! I totally forgot about vicks! I will be rubbing it on her feet and chest.