WARNING! Pic of blood

So me and friends got drunk together, things happened and we had unprotected sex, he came inside of me on Day 26 or 27 of my cycle, (which is today around 4am) I started my period today around 9am, should I take a plan B? Or is this an actual period? Someone help my nerves please! To be clear we had sex he came in me today, 4 hours later I started bleeding, which according to my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">period app</a> my period was due today. Is there anyway I could of get pregnant this morning and my period still happened 4 hours later bc My body hasn’t produce any pregnancy hormones or something? Also if you think I need a plan b, please let me know which one I should take plan b or take action.