Love triangle…

Hellooo I’m here once again for advice. Basically I have two guys wanting to be with me and I care for them both so I’m conflicted.

The first guy is my ex-fiancé of 3 years. Known him for a really long time. He broke things off with me back in February because our relationship got really rocky. We were ttc. I would basically complain about how we’re not compatible anymore. I want a quiet, simple, family life and he’s still very much interested in partying and going out frequently. He says he wants to get married and start our family but his idea of fun (partying) won’t be changing. Btw he’s 24. I don’t go to parties because I just don’t like them. I don’t think it’s bad for me to be home while he’s out having fun, I like to stay inside. He also said he wouldn’t mind me going out and he’d watch the kids, when the time comes. I just felt like he didn’t make enough time for me while he felt like he was trying his best.

The other guy (20) is my very recent boyfriend. We’ve only been official for less than 3 weeks. He’s super sweet. But he’s religious. So to be with him I need to convert to his religion. I’ve been studying and I’m actually enjoying it. I don’t know him like I know my ex so I’m just not sure that’s he’s the one for me but I do see potential.. but then again I can’t put aside the man I love for just *potential*. But I do feel like he is helping me become a better person. He tells his parents EVERYTHING so there’s no relationship privacy. We’d also have to marry quick due to his religion, maybe within a year.

I’m really leaning towards working things out with my ex but I don’t want to hurt my current boyfriend. I don’t want the typical “stay to yourself” responses. I want to pick one.