I think my 6 year old is depressed

I have three kids and my 6 year old daughter is my oldest. When she was younger she was this wild, crazy child that always wanted to make everybody happy and she was laughing all the time. A few months after she turned 4, in December 2019, she got assaulted by a family member and this took a big toll on her, physically and mentally. We took her to therapy once a week for a year, she was showing symptoms of PTSD, would have nightmares, stopped eating, didn’t want to play anymore, just wanted to be alone in her room most of the time.

She started kindergarten in September 2020 and absolutely loved it. She made some friends and was starting to become more and more like her old self.

In December 2020, a year after the incident, I had a stillbirth at 18 weeks and it seemed to have hit her pretty hard. She was so so excited for this new baby and it all went downhill from there…

She always fights with us and her younger siblings, which she never did before, has started to become more and more quiet, isolating in her room all the time. We made the in March 2021 to pull her out from school, and tried homeschooling but she’s not wanting to participate at all.

This summer, she said that she no longer wanted to take dance lessons, which she’s been in since she was 2, and has also said that she doesn’t deserve to do things that make her happy.

Her therapist had to go on maternity leave a few weeks after that and we’re still on a waitlist for another one.

We enrolled her back in school for 1st grade and she comes home almost every day crying because she hates it, and has said that people bully her because of the scars on her face from the incident.

I don’t know what to do anymore, to keep her in school or not, the school therapist says that she’s too young to really try anything else but I’m scared and I’m hurting to see my 6 year old in so much pain.
