Nursing strike PLUS sleep regression


Sorry this is so long, but thanks in advance for reading.

The little decided that she would not only stop sleeping through the night, waking about 15-20 minutes after being placed in her SNOO repeatedly, but also go on a nursing strike, beginning yesterday afternoon. Last night I was able to convince her to nurse after much screeching at the nipple, back arching, and tears. She even fed well the rest of the day and this morning, leading me to foolishly believe that we had moved past it quickly. However, this evening, she again refused, only this evening I relented and, after about 45 minutes, gave her a bottle (using paced feeding, slow flow, etc.) because I couldn’t stand the thought of my little one going to be hungry. And, frankly, the prospect of her waking up hangry wasn’t terribly appealing either. I know it’s a vicious cycle but I don’t feel like the alternative was tenable. Yet watching her gleefully take the bottle was surprisingly painful. I miss that bond and knowing that Incan always give my baby what she needs.

(Here she is eating a foot instead of nursing)

Update: I persisted and the strike is now over. The sleep regression is a work in progress. 😂