Weird feeling

I’ve been with my husband for 10 years and lately we have not been in great terms! We are usually fighting about the same thing ( small lies and just hangout out with his cousins a bit too much ) I feel like his family is always In our life and I hate it! But anyways I’ve bumped into a old middle school friend and he has messaged me on social media and we had a friendly chat. I don’t know why I feel so guilty about it but I felt good at the same time?! If that makes any sense. I would like to build and fix my marriage and get that spark again especially with having two kids but I just think things won’t change. I’m sad and dull? I don’t know what to do..I’d love to do marriage counseling but it’s kind of pricey and I feel embarrassed and unsure where to even begin with a consultation.. any advice or do you have a similar experience with your spouse?