Anyone ever have period like bleeding and end up being pregnant?

Hey everyone- so I had my period sept 2-6 (usually have 5-6 day periods so this was normal.) had my period due again oct 1. It came oct 2 and lasted about 3.5 days. Other than being a little shorter it was pretty normal. Fast forward to today. Today is my projected “ovulation” day (unfortunately not going by ovulation tests, just what’s charted here in glow.) normally I have a lot of fertile discharge around d ovulation time but haven’t noticed anything the past few days.

So tonight I was at the gym and out of nowhere got hit with the craziest bout of nausea ever. Like I ran to the bathroom and fully was prepared to vomit (never did.) I assumed it was related to needing to eat so we left the gym and grabbed a bite, still felt sooo nauseous the rest of the night and kept gagging and dry heaving!! This immediately made my mind jump to pregnancy. But I had my period right?? So no way I would be pregnant? I’m so damn confused. Am I symptom spotting here?? Is this even possible?? Other symptoms my boobs are sore, I’m bloated… but I know these are also related to hormones outside of pregnancy.

I also had a dream yesterday I was pregnant with twins…. So maybe the dream is making me feel crazy???

Whatcha guys think?