The wait is on! 🥺🤞🏼🙏🏼🤍💫

J x • 4 year TTC journey✨ Ectopic surgery & tube removal Dec 21🥺 Successful 1st round of IVF. Pregnant with my little miracle due April 2023👶🏼❤️

I’m praying so so much that we’ve done enough and that this is our month. I got my static smiley on my OPK around 11:30pm on the 16th as I didn’t get a chance to test during the day, so by the time we BD it was probably more into early hours of the 17th. Wish we done it on the 17th evening and the 18th for a higher chance but do you think we’ve done enough by what we done?? 🥺🤞🏼🙏🏼💫 xxx