Hiring a maid


I have two kiddos, a 2yo, 1 yo, and a third due in April. I recently started going back to school? Just one class, and it’s online, so it’s super heavy. (I know this is a tough idea with 3 kids, but started before we knew about baby no3 lol)

At home I pretty do it all but cooking. My husband does the cooking because he likes it and if I’m honest he’s definitely better at it than I am. He also works 4 10 hour days and picks up overtime when available. Other than that I do it all. Dishes, sweeping/vacuuming, mopping, laundry, kids, whatever. Regarding the kids I pretty much do it all with them. I’m the one that baths them, does bedtime routines, gets up with them at night feeds them, all of it. Now, he’ll help me when I Really need it, like our youngest had a stomach bug the other night and he helped that night but other than that it’s not too much. He has regular game days once a month with his buddies, or goes shooting with his father, and plays Xbox After the kids go to bed almost nightly.

The other he was complaining about the house being a wreck. I try, and recently has been particularly hard and my oldest had an ear infection, then I had a stomach bug, and now the youngest is getting over it. He mentioned hiring a maid but I thought it was just his frustration. Until tonight he told me he was looking at a few places.

On one hand I think he’s just trying to help. I am trying to keep up with all of it and truthfully I don’t care how messy the place gets or much dishes get backed up, if my kids want attention, that comes first. I’ll stay up later to wash bottles if I have to.

On the other hand though, I’m insulted. He could help more (which I’ve told him), and it makes me feel like I’m failing my job as a SAHM/housewife. I’m also concerned because that means we’re bringing a stranger into our home around our kids.

The idea of help is nice, but I don’t think it’s a necessity and I think it’s a waste of money, and unnecessary risk.


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