Prodromal labor


So I’m a couple days away from being 36weeks pregnant and the past two days almost 3 days I’ve had nothing but contractions ranging from every 10-15 minutes to a little less. The first day of the contractions I went to L&D and they were coming about every 10 minutes and was told if they were to come every 2-3 minutes to come back in. Well the next day (2nd day of the contractions) I tried to get my mind off of it even though I kept contracting and paid for a 4D ultrasound hoping to get to see more clear pictures of my girls face and it said she was about 6lbs now, biggest baby Is going to have so far out of 4 kids! But anywho once that was said and done I had a regular appointment at 1 pm that day due to the pain still. And he checked me and said that I am 1cm dilated and about 70% effaced now and that he could easily push his finger through my cervix but would not (idk what that means🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️) and basically told me I’m in early labor that just keeps starting and stopping on me.!! Has anyone else had this? How long did you have Prodromal labor before it went into active labor??

And another thing, when did you pack your hospital bags, you baby’s bags and get the car seat in the car?? Idk why I have not done so yet. 😂😂

** picture of my girls face, her poor nose is so smashed in there at this point.😂😂😍❤️❤️