Ovulation - confused - LH strips and BBT please help!

Freya • 👼🏻 20.07.17 at 7 weeks 🌈👦🏼💙 Kit 29.12.18 👦🏻💙 Theo 06.09.20 👼🏻 💙 Jude 24.07.21 at 20 weeks 🌈👶🏻 💗 Lyra 14.09.22 🤰🏻due 01.02.24

So I got a peak on Clearblue advanced on Monday night yet normal strips weren’t quite there.

Yesterday the normal strip had got fainter.

My temp rose this morning quite drastically so I have assumed I ovulated yesterday as per the peak clear blue advanced (I know it’s usually 3 high temps before officially knowing if I ovulated but felt it was a good sign).

So the confusion comes in from having a chemical last month - I usually ovulate around cd20/21 but this time if the clear blue is correct I ovulated on cd12 so a lot earlier than usual. Because of this I took another LH strip today (normal as cb advanced still has solid smiley) and it was a blazing positive although it had been a lot fainter - now I am wondering if I haven’t ovulated yet and cb advanced was wrong? Can anybody help me or has anyone had anything similar happen to them?
