We are eloping today and celebrating our LO!

Mrs. E • 5/22 🐣

We are eloping at the courthouse this afternoon and I’m over the moon excited. This week has been a little intense as I had spotting for a day and a half and wasn’t able to be seen until yesterday. The ultrasound showed that baby is doing great. The cause of the spotting was Subchorionic Hematoma, but I was assured it was just a little bit of blood between the placenta and uterine wall and that everything would be fine. We saw the baby move its arms and stretch its legs. It was the cutest thing and the biggest relief.

Just want to share with you all as none of our family or friends have any clue we are getting married, let alone having a baby. So grateful that everything is going great so far at 10 weeks 5 days after four miscarriages, and I finally get to marry my love after being engaged for three years!