Placenta Previa 😩


Just a little run down of my pregnancy history. I had a miscarriage with my first child (boy) in 2017 at 15 weeks and 3 days. Due to Placenta Abruption. In 2019 I had my second son at 26 weeks & 2 days due to preterm labor. I have a condition called Incompetent Cervix. He is now 2 and doing amazing no major complications. I then had my third son in 2020. I took preterm labor shots weekly during my pregnancy and had a Cervical Cerclage done at 15 weeks which was taken out at 36 weeks & 5 days. I went into labor 5 days later. My son was in fetal distress so I had to have an emergency C-section. All was well with him. He’s 1. I’m currently 9 weeks pregnant, and found out at my recent ultrasound appointment that I have Placenta Previa. Has anyone experienced this and it resolved its self.