Leap 4 sleep regression


Man, my daughter was doing so good on sleeping through the night. She is two days shy of 4months old and her sleep is terrible now. I’m lucky if she takes three to four 30-45 minute naps a day. And then she has woken up around 3:30am for the last four days. Tonight was the easiest in getting her back to sleep. The last two nights she was up for an hour or more. Tonight I got her back to sleep within 45 minutes. But It’s killing this momma because her big brother is a handful when he is awake too. And he usually wakes up around 6:30am. Any advice from some of the moms with the older June babies? I’d kill for some good sleep right now.

P.s. their dad has been staying with his mom closer to work while we search for a house of our own. So it’s just me 90% of the time with both kids. Thankfully my oldest goes to all day preschool where he is getting the behavioral help he needs. But momma still just wants to sleep.