My marriage needs help


I am 30 weeks pregnant with my first. I have been married to my husband for a year. But all together we have been together for 8 years and high school sweethearts. I’m 24 and he is 25 he’s the only man I have ever been with. We both wanted to get pregnant but once it happened something changed. We have always had our ups and down since we have been together but ever since I got pregnant I feel like he wants not thing to do with me. I’ve confronted him about this many times but he tells me it’s not the case. He has struggled his whole life with depression/anxiety and he has even told me recently that “I can’t make him happy but that’s not my fault because nothing/ no one can make him happy” How am I supposed to take that? My own husband where that’s our job is to build each other up but all we do for each other is break each other down. I feel ask though He has no interest in the pregnancy or me. I have pleaded to him that I need attention from him and why does he want nothing to do with me? His response is often “every time I’m with you you ask me to do things” those things being normal household chores or things I cannot do because I’m pregnant such as putting furniture together. These are normal things that I shouldn’t have to ask him to do. It should be a team effort. I work more hours then him most of the time and come home to dogs that need to be taken care of and dinner that needs to be done and I’m expected to do it all.

I have love for him but I don’t think I am in love with him anymore. How can I be in love with someone that doesn’t want to spend time with me and goes in his garage the second he gets home from work until after I go to sleep? (He does not even come in the house to say hello unless I tell him dinner is ready and then he will come in take some food and bring it into the garage not even eat with me) I don’t know what to do. I feel like my marriage is over but I have a baby on the way I can’t just abandon our home and his father?

Any advice would help, thank you for letting me vent💞