Should I apologize for everything?

I'm getting really frustrated with my fiance he's a perfectionist but honestly it only seems like he's like that with me. He's very smart and a little bit of a know it all. What's been bothering me is that I don't take his criticism anymore and it bothers him and he gets on me about it. Like today I have an appointment for my toddler. I've been tired yesterday and today. He wanted to ask why I was so tired and I told him about insomnia. He said I should change it but as if I didn't know what to do. Then he made a sarcastic statement because he had a caffine free tea and said I don't need caffine. I went to sleep great and woke up great. And he said what? I'm just stating a fact. He was being sarcastic because I've been tired. I was trying to rush and make our son food and I guess some oatmeal got on arag and when he was making his tea, a little bit of oatmeal got on his hand and he acted like it was blood or something and he expected me to apologize for my mistake. That you should always apologize for your mistakes even if its an accident. Idk. If I hurt him I get it. If it stained him I get it. But the way he has been coming at me lately and this morning really bothered me. And I just explained that I don't think we should make a big deal out of everything. I wouldn't mind saying sorry but the way he came at me with his tone like I slapped him in the face. I didn't even realize it and I'm trying to do everything and him trying to make me feel bad and trying to force an apology bothered me. Anyways what should I do ? Should I apologize for everything I do even if its an accident? Even if they come down on me ?