Pregnant or other..

I just want some suggestions so I can clear my anxiety.

I’m on oral contraceptives as well as sexually active.

For 3-4 days now my breast have become painfully sensitive. Nipples are numb/sore, breast are very sensitive to the touch. Something like when I’d usually get my period but I’m no where near my cycle right now. Sore throat, I’m bloating, body weakness, back aches, It’s hard for me to stay awake soon as I hit a bed or couch.. I’m asleep. I’ve been feeling pretty bad lately

I’ve scheduled an appointment with my care provider, my appointment is all the way in November on the 9th due to being all booked.

Could I be sick maybe? Making the flu, the season change, pregnant(I took a test 2 days ago and it was negative). Idk what it could be but I know I feel pretty crappy.

Any suggestions, just throw something out there lol. I’m thinking it could be because of the season change I live in NC. One minute it’s freezing cold the next it’s hot..

(I didn’t know what group to put this in so I just randomly picked lol, I’ve posted this in another group as well)