Am I being selfish?

So heres the thing, I am currently living with my in laws and the arrangement was made because my husband promised me that they are chill parents. Turns out that they are not. They are so controlling over my son. From what he eats to what he does. It is as though I am never a good enough mother (my mother even said I'm a cruel mother for letting my son cry it out during sleep training. I needed sleep training because I didnt get any help at home. I had to cook and clean and look after him all by myself. I really needed structure and cant be taking hours to put him to sleep so it was a conscious decision to start sleeptraining) although we stayed together my in laws never helped me at all. Especially with baby led weaning it can get messy and according my mil I will end up letting himchoke to death. All these advises that I get from her is so tiring. My son is already almost 2 and I've been suffering all this while. I am just doing my best to be a good mom but im no longer happy. It is affecting me some days that I feel like I cant be a good mom to my son. Even though we have bought a house to move out it is taking a whole year to be ready. What's the worst thing my mil always tries to compete with me to be more loved by my son. He is able to call her grandma but unable to call me mummy. My mil says that it is because I scold him so he doesnt like me. She always lets him have what he wants because she doesnt want to make him cry. She even let him play with dirty stuff which I am not happy because he still puts his hands in his mouth. All this caused resentment to my husband. I Cant look at him the same way. I dont even know if I love him anymore. I blame him for making me stay with his parents and going through all this. So is it selfish for me to choose to leave to get my own happiness ? Am I being unfair to my son?

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