A female who feels social anxiety around other females


So iv been in a very happy relationship with a man for 2 years. I have a small circle of girlfriends that I love dearly & I tend to like it that way bc Iv always struggled with making girlfriends. I feel I struggle due to my standards but I also get insane anxiety when I meet a group of new females. Anyways, my boyfriend & I have been going to his friends house one night out of every weekend to party a little. Sometimes there’s only 8 of us & sometimes theres 15+ people. There tends to be random groups of females that show up sometimes. I normally vibe with most of them but sometimes I get the worse social anxiety around new females. It has nothing to do with insecurity with my boyfriend either. Im one of the boys over there so when random females who are loud or seek a crap ton of attention show up I don’t even feel like mingling with them or I instantly feel some type of hatred towards them. What I’m trying to say is why do I feel this way? Why do other females give me anxiety sometimes? I don’t know how to pin point my feelings here