Do toxic people change?

My partner is mentally and emotionally abusive. He calls me names every day, says I’m a waste of space. If I get upset he tells me to shut up or go somewhere else and cry. If I try and speak to him about the state of the relationship he shuts me down and tells me to fuckoff and leave him alone. I have depression and anxiety and he uses that against me. He calls me crazy and psycho when In reality I’m emotionally exhausted from walking on egg shells all the time. Nothing I do is right. I’m leaving today. I have my stuff packed and I’ve got somewhere to go and I’m going before he comes home from work. Ive even got a moving van coming to take my half of the furniture, Ive left before but never took my things and I’ve always gone back so me taking my furniture will be my way of letting him know that I’m gone for good. Ive already blocked him on everything. Ive had enough, it got to the point where I thought being dead would have been better than being around him. But I realise I’ve got too much to live for and he’s not worth my suicide. This will be a long road to recovery for me and I’ll miss him even though he hates me. But I can’t live like this. Do you think this is how he is? Will he be this toxic in every relationship he has? I know people will say it doesn’t matter and why do I care, but the reason I’m asking is because I need to know that it wasn’t my fault, if I can have peace of mind that him being toxic is just the way he is then my healing won’t be as hard, because I’ll know i wasn’t the problem