I want my husband to find another job

My husband is a hard worker. He has been working since he was 13 years old. He was working 3 jobs by 16. Thing with child labor law and yes an employer isn't allowed to make you work past a certain amount of hour, but there's nothing saying you can't have more than one job. So he was working over 40 hours at 16. His mom was shit and walked out, his dad was a drunk so he worked to care for his dad and younger brother. He made straight A's but because he was always late he risked not graduating, so he switched completely online. We met when he was 17, I was 15 and he had almost no time for a relationship but we made it work. He got his CNA at 18 and worked at a nursing home, but he quit because the state ratio was 1 CNA to 9 patients. This nursing home was so fucking shitty and everyone was quitting and his ratio was 1 to 64! He couldn't keep working there. He went back to school and got his Phlebotomy certification and he got a job at this Hospital and he's been there 5 years. My husband is a great worker. Many people tell me and he does a good job. When he had no more people to stick this man had wet all in his diaper and his aid was busy so my husband changed him. Made the aid cry because she was so behind and appreciated it. Thing is he doesn't take bullshit. When they tried to trick him into working 7 days a week one week he said no. He had to bully them into giving him a raise by saying he's going to have to find other employment if they can't. He was working for $10.50 an hour. Now makes $14. When we were having a baby and he told them his supervisor said "Are you sure this is a good time? We are so understaffed and we are gonna need you". Bitch what?! See my husband got longer parental leave than me and it was paid. He got 9 months of paid parental leave and he was gonna take all of it to stay home for a longer time since I'll be back at work at 6 weeks. Then when I gave birth they were trying to convince him EVERY DAY FOR 9 MONTHS TO COME BACK!" What pisses me off more than anything was he applied for lead and they didn't give it to him. At the end of the year his successful sticks were in the 90% which means for the whole year he missed when sticking less than 10%. All his patients love him and he always gets such great evaluations. Here's the deal.... He is also the only NATIONALLY CERTIFIED PHLEBOTOMIST THERE!!! In our state you don't need to be certified to be a phlebotomist. You can have on the job training, but you do need to be nationally certificate to LEGALLY be a lead. He said he knew he wasn't gonna get it because he doesn't let them walk all over him and he will stick up for himself and other patients. I just think he should get a job because this one doesn't care about their employees or appreciate them.

@Momoi I don't mean he actually bullied. He was very respectful. He simply said I cannot afford to work with what you're paying me. He wasn't actually bullying. It's just a word we throw away like I'll say he bullied me into going to cheesecake factory. Also it's illegal at least in our state to deny somebody a job or promotion because of paternity leave so. They turned him down for the job because they need someone who will do whatever they say no matter how unethical and my husband won't. He stands up to them. Example they were gonna have Phlebotomist start doing IV's and my husband absolutely not. Phlebotomist can not do IV's or administer medication. He said "If something goes wrong I will be the one who gets fired". And they couldn't fire him for saying no because they know Phlebotomist aren't supposed to do IV's.

@Momoi I have met plenty of the people he work with and have seen his evaluations. Everyone says he's a good employee, and his evaluations are always good. He's rated on successful sticks, attitude, how well he is with patients. They get these every 6 months and THEY'RE ALWAYS GOOD! I saw texts of his boss trying to trick him into working a full 7 days and everyone that I have met that works at the hospital that knows my husband loves him and says he's one of the hardest workers. If there were truly negatives that would keep him from getting promoted they would have put the negatives in his evaluation.