Early arrival


My little chicken nugget decided to make an early entrance into this world. Here’s my birth story. On 9/29/21 I went in for my 34 week appointment. I was having my growth scan ( I was considered high risk during this pregnancy so I got scans once a month). I had been feeling pressure and mild cramps for the previous few days and notified the MD at my appointment. He decided to check me. I was 3cm dilated at 34 weeks 5days. I ended up getting admitted to the hospital to be monitored. While at the hospital I was given antibiotics and steroid shots to mature babies lungs just in case he was coming. Well 24hr later nothing no progression in labor so I was sent home. The following Saturday morning was my maternity shoot. I felt fine and the pictures came out great. It was just another normal day. That night I had been feeling the same mild cramps as I did the previous days but nothing major. I was able to sleep through it. Well that night or shall I say morning at about 4am 10/3/21 . I woke to to what I thought that I had peed myself. I went to the restroom and “liquid” to pour our and I just knew it was no pee. It was a slow trickle. I shortly after saw pink blood on the toilet paper along with my mucus plug. At that point I woke up my husband and off to the hospital we went. When I got there I was check and was 5cm dilated and the “real contractions” where just getting started. I was admitted once again. And long story short I got an epidural I was just about 8cm dilated at this point. Then at 1:26pm 10/3/21 my handsome baby boy was born. 35 weeks 1 day weighing 5lbs 15 ounces. He did not need any nicu time. (I am so grateful for this) However, he did have mild case of jaundice and did 24hr of phototherapy. We went home 3 days later 10/6/21. Baby boy is healthy and doing great! He couldn’t wait to meet mommy and daddy and I am so excited!