Idk how to explain this to my son

My son is turning 17 this year. My ex husband has been in his life since he was 8 months old. Only dad he's ever known. We always said if we divorced I would never keep him away because he is his dad. His real dad was very mentally ill. He did a bunch of drugs and killed himself. We divorced back in May and my son would see him every other week. A few months ago he started seeing him less and less and then my ex ignored him completely. My ex called me saying his girlfriend of three months isn't comfortable with him having a relationship with a kid who isn't biologically his.... I said "You don't get to do that. You don't come into a babies life, play parent for SIXTEEN years and then bail for a girlfriend you've had for 3 months". All he said was he's sorry. And to tell my son I'm sorry. I said "You need to be a man and tell him yourself". Then he hung up... So now I have to be the one to tell my son the only father he ever knew wants nothing to do with him now...

Edit: Idk if I actually can put him on child support because paternity was established with my ex and when he died I got a lot of money from his assets since he was no longer able to pay child support. Plus my ex husband never legally adopted him. Paternity was already established so the court won't let me establish it twice.