Passive boyfriend


My boyfriend is a kind, gentle soul but he’s very passive. He’s very consistent in his efforts to maintain communication with me but they’re mostly small talks. I feel like we don’t have any meaningful conversations, and most of the times it’s me blabbering about current events. He calls me straight after work but it’s mostly basic stuff. Hows your day? What have you been up to today? I love you. I miss you. Good Morning. Good Night. Have a sweet dream.

He’s not very expressive as well, when I told him I’m sick he will say, oh poor baby I hope you feel better soon. He doesn’t check on me after that and even forget that I’m sick.

But he’s also very patient with me, and deal with my outbursts. Not once he got angry at me for that. But I also feel like he’s the kind that shy away from hard conversations, whenever I got upset and voice my frustrations he will say sorry but will not say anything more other than staring at me with sad eyes.

Also, he’s really forgetful and slow. He wanted to get me this chopper since 3 weeks ago, and I have to be the one reminding him. He would tell me don’t worry you will get it, knowing I’m impatient as hell at this point. I told him a thousand times I don’t like it when he announced he will do something for me, and then take weeks/months to do it. It fees like he’s forced to do it, and I don’t like being promised something when he’s the one announcing he wants to get it for me. I ended up having him cornered the other day and he finally admitted that he’s just currently broke atm. Told him to just tell me because he keep telling me every day that he will get it for me tonight for a week now. Why would he say that knowing he couldn’t get it for me now?

We also had a similar problem because I requested a letter for him before. It took him 1 month to finally write it, when he said he will do it by a certain time and when cornered he finally admitted he’s too stressed out at work to think about what to write.

I don’t know what to do, in one side he is consistent and kind and loving but on another side he frustrates me a lot. I feel loved and not loved at the same time.